What can happen when you grow a business fast? Hitting a 12-month goal in 3 months.

The side of business that doesn't make sense

Ben Pannell

10/5/20234 min read

space gray iPhone 6 with Facebook log-in display near Social Media scrabble tiles
space gray iPhone 6 with Facebook log-in display near Social Media scrabble tiles

Welcome to the blog about all things marketing, today we are going to dive into a business that I recently worked with and we are going to show you some examples of the incredible work that we have done for this company. So this was a business that I am most passionate about as good Greek food is hard to find where I live.

After first sampling the delicious meals on a few occasions I figured this is the perfect restaurant/takeaway to promote! I went to just speak to the owner and booked a meeting sat with all the owners and we finalised a plan and the rest is history. Within the first month we saw a massive change just from running ads the right way, as you will see in the following images of not even a month in.

This was the first month of results, from 23/03/23 till 18/04/23, even though it was just shy of a month it's hard to argue with the engagement and the rate of interactions. This is a small family restaurant with space for 12 to 14 diners and most of their orders were takeaway orders. Going from being empty to fully booked on a weekend. The results have been phenomenal in a short period of time. It's the results that matter at the end of the day in marketing. The goal was to get them to a point where they could look for a restaurant premises within a year. Here are some of the results in month 2, just a screen shot of Meta business suite.

Our goal was to help them reach that goal as fast as possible, we even started answering enquiries and managing all first contact points with customers to make sure that branding, service and replies were consistent and keeping reply times at a minimum.

This resulted in a huge growth over the course of the contract. The website didn't look like much so we decided to revamp that also for them to keep the branding and consistency aligned with what they wanted to accomplish. We created this website for them just check out the video below it compares what was their website to what we managed to build for them see the difference for yourself.

After updating the website, we also did a lot of outreach to businesses and ordering platforms, to get interviews and reviews for Facebook and other platforms. Building a network when there wasn't one in place and building those relationships has been crucial to getting free shares and promotions by some of the ordering platforms. In addition, it made the social media schedule load a bit lighter for the other Social Media Managers. The whole idea was to make sure that the restaurant was primed for scaling and expansion. We accomplished this within their delivery area and built a brand that could transfer to a larger premises all within 3 months.

Towards the end of the contract one of the Co-Owners decided to close abruptly for a few weeks and go on holiday. Which seemed like such an odd choice for a business in the process of expanding as a premises had been found and negotiations were in place. After the Co-Owner/ Head chef returned everything was business as usual.

Although there was some damage to the brand, we managed to protect it as much as we could. Until the Co-Owner/ Head chef let us know that we did a great job but the business has become too much to handle and much busier than they could cope with day in and day out.

However, prior to this he never let us know that he was under stress with his time and mental state. As we assumed the same as his business partner that all was well with the business growing and getting very popular.

After having a meeting, we understood more of the reasoning why he needed to step away. The volume of customers and lack of ability to delegate tasks to employees and step back was too much for this business owner. When you are doing everything yourself especially in a restaurant it is overwhelming the need to delegate and trust your employees is so important especially if you're expanding and growing your business, share your recipes, share your experience and train staff.

Here are some of the results of the campaigns and after speaking with the business partner we found out that repeat purchases were up by 38% and new customer base grew by 800 local customers and the social media and ad campaigns are in the gallery below

We had such a blast working with this business it's a shame the head chef left the business unable to function forcing them to close. We still work with the business partner to this day on other ventures. Our passion was really in this restaurant and designing clean and contemporary web pages and social media. We look forward with working with another business we were so passionate about again soon. But when social media is done right and branding is consistent you can get incredible results and brand authority.